spray tans & sunburns
Spray tans and sunburns are a nightmare together!
Do not spray tan if you’re sunburnt or healing from one. Flaking/peeling may seem like your skin is almost healed, but it can take up to 2-3 weeks for your skin to fully recover and return to its healthy state.
As summer hits, it’s natural for people to be enjoying the sunshine, beach, pool, doing more activities outdoors. Please use your SPF 30+ (we recommend in sunscreen lotion form: Supergoop, Coola, or Sunbum)
We care about your skin & want you to be able to spray tan! Please, please, please… protect your skin from sunburns this summer and ALWAYS!!!
Sunburnt skin is in a fragile healing state and will go through recovery stages. You must allow your skin to fully heal! Redness, bumpy, flaking, itching are all signs your skin is in repair mode. Keep your healing skin very moisturized with intense moisturizer & aloe. Absolutely, DO NOT exfoliate off your peeling sunburn. Allow your body to naturally repair. Once your skin has fully rejuvenated itself you may resume exfoliation prior to your next spray tan.
Spraying over a sunburn has a terrible visual effect. Peeling skin will adhere more color and stain the outside of the burn. The burn will be even more noticeable when it develops creating a patchy shedding dark-light spray tan with your peeling skin. It’s super important to be honest with us if you have a sunburn, or if you’re healing from one and to reschedule your spray tanning appointment until your skin has fully healed.
Ready to book your next tan with us?
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